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Professional Assembly Language

Author: Richard Blum
Publisher: Wrox
Date     : 2005
Pages    : 567
Format   : PDF
Language : English
ISBN     : 0764579010

- Unlike high-level languages such as Java and C++, assembly language is much closer to the machine code that actually runs computers; it's used to create programs or modules that are very fast and efficient, as well as in hacking exploits and reverse engineering

- Covering assembly language in the Pentium microprocessor environment, this code-intensive guide shows programmers how to create stand-alone assembly language programs as well as how to incorporate assembly language libraries or routines into existing high-level applications

- Demonstrates how to manipulate data, incorporate advanced functions and libraries, and maximize application performance

- Examples use C as a high-level language, Linux as the development environment, and GNU tools for assembling, compiling, linking, and debugging

Category: Programming | Added by: downloadzone (03-Jul-2008)
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